Последние видео
Beef breeds of Aberdeen Angus bulls.
Cattle farming business, Aberdeen Angus breed.
Home farming. Breeding steers for meat. Breed Aberdeen Angus.
The best meat breed of cows and bulls. Aberdeen Angus.
Business on cattle. Breeding cows and bulls for meat! Agroholding IEC.
Livestock Business. Breeding cattle Hereford. Agroholding IEC. Farming.
Preparation of feed, for feeding cattle. Agribusiness. Agroholding IEC. Animal husbandry.
The biggest bulls in Russia. Agro business. Agroholdieg IEC.
This bull is just a fairy tale👍
Dairy cows! These cows are just beautiful👍
Cows of the Simmental breed. Animal husbandry.
Cute - Calves. They are enjoying life on the farm.
A bull of the Simmental Breed, after fattening.
These bulls are just monsters. Their weight is from 1000 kg👍👍👍
Экспорт зерна из России