БЮДЖЕТНАЯ ОДНОСКАТНАЯ КРЫША своими руками за 10 часов! Делаю с черепицей Ондулин! Выглядит супер!
Подарок для СЛЕПОГЛУХОГО человека с канала Слово Пацана!
Не пожалел фанеры для этой самоделки! На 100% рабочее устройство! Кромочная струбцина!
NOT FURNACE, but ROCKET! ECONOMIC FURNACE FOR LONG BURNING from scrap metal do it yourself!
VERY INTERESTING IDEA from ordinary hairpins! Frame clamp!
Tricky plywood tool! This should be in every workshop!
COOKING FROM LOGS FOR WIFE! She was satisfied!
ВСЕ МАСТЕРА ОЦЕНИЛИ такую насадку на болгарку!
Simple and reliable helper for the workshop!
Полезные самоделки с китайскими товарами из Aliexpress!
The perfect machine for scroll saw from plywood
Great idea for a workshop! Should have done it sooner!
A device which will simplify the work of the master! Tested!
The new year and Christmas DIY! Tree with your own hands!
A useful idea for the workshop! And the woodwork is a must!
A unique art project which will save you money!
Great ideas for a homemade instrument!
Unusual assistant for a saw in the workshop!
Art project for every woodworker