She refuses to leave her icy house!? It's -7°C inside it!
Living in an ice-cold house! It's -7°C inside it!!
Will he challenge himself? Personality transformation.
Was our coming in vain? Why we even did all of that...
Fulfilling the dreams of our viewers unexpectedly! They didn't expect to see us!
Presenting the dream house to the family from a remote village! The end of the 10 year story
ТАЙНО ВОССТАНОВИЛИ ЗАПОРОЖЕЦ ДЕДУШКЕ! #словопацана #мечты #ретроавтомобиль #реакция
Dream house finished! What's left is just to check it out!
48 hours on the move in order to do this! It's a dream house for a large family.
ТАЙНО ВОССТАНОВИЛИ МАШИНУ ДЕДУШКЕ. #словопацана #мечты #восстановление #volvo #реакция
Building a dream house for a large family. What will it look like?
We gifted a car repair shop to a large family! They couldn't hold back tears...
A conflict. A lawyer. A scam. Giving a car repair shop to a large family
We made a deal secretly without saying it to the family! What's inside?
A million rubles for the large family. We haven't done this before!
The house of their dream for a large family. We went through with it!
We found them in a remote village. No one expect what happened next...
Each one has chosen his own life pathway. Not long ago they had nothing to eat!
This guy has collected scrap metal in order to buy himself...
We've found a hermit deep in taiga. He has lived at the swamp for 30 years.