World's Largest Jello Pool- Can you swim in Jello?
Rocket Powered Golf Club at 100,000 FPS
Drinking Nasty Swamp Water (to save the world)
Glitter Bomb 1.0 vs Porch Pirates
World's Largest Horn Shatters Glass
Playing Card Machine Gun- Card Throwing Trick Shots
Flying Phone Scam Exposed (so I built a REAL one)
Beat Any Escape Room- 10 proven tricks and tips
Rock Skip Robot- The Science of Perfect Rock Skipping
World's Largest Lemon Battery
200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities
1st place Mousetrap Car Ideas
Is NASA a waste of money?
This Arcade Game is a SCAM (I have proof)
Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed
Carnival Scam Science (and how to WIN)
Measuring How Much Pee Is In Your Pool
World's Largest Super Soaker
NICEST Car Horn Ever- DIY
Hot Wheels STUNT RACE- Slow Mo (2500 FPS)