Egg Drop From Space
Backyard Squirrelympics 3.0- The Summer Games
Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games with Science
My Secret Warehouse Tour
Pranks Destroy Scam Callers- GlitterBomb Payback
Robot Piano Catches Fire Playing Rush E (World’s Hardest Song)
World's Largest T-Shirt Cannon (breaks the roof)
EXPLODING Glitter Bomb 4.0 vs. Package Thieves
This Robot Eats Trash #TeamSeas
World's Tallest Elephant Toothpaste Volcano
World Record Domino Robot (100k dominoes in 24hrs)
Shark vs. GoPro
Backyard Squirrel Maze 2.0- The Walnut Heist
Color the Spectrum LIVE- Mark Rober and Jimmy Kimmel
The Truth About my Son
Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested)
Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
World's Longest Field Goal- Robot vs NFL Kicker
Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates
Unbreakable Ice Cream Safe