Лучшие видеоролики
Курица гриль в духовке с аппетитной корочкой! | Grilled chicken 🍗 👍
CAKE IN MICROWAVE in 5 minutes. Cupcake in a mug. 🍮
Dough for pizza without yeast. We cook for 10 minutes. 🍕
Pizza without yeast. Fast and delicious pizza on a thin dough. 🍕
Cauliflower in batter. A full replacement for meat! 😲
Shish kebab from turkey. The most delicious marinade.🍢
Rabbit in the oven. Simple, but insanely delicious! 👏
Pancakes Recipe. Airy, soft, gentle! The simplest recipe.
Chicken kebab/ The most delicious marinade. Do not look anymore! 🍡
Trout in the oven. Insanely delicious, but so simple! 👍
Calf shank in the oven. The most delicious recipe.🍗
Cutting a large turkey - 20 kg! 😳
Lush pancakes. Tasty, quick and easy! 🍴
Cheesecakes from cottage cheese. The secret of lush and delicious cheese cakes. Proud of them! ☕
Cake without baking. Bird's Milk Cake. Incredibly delicious. My favorite cake. 🍰
Pink salmon in the oven. The recipe without problems. 👍
Cake without baking. "Curd tale". Deliciously delicious 🍰
Pink salmon with cream. The most delicate and juicy fish! 👍
Oat cookies. In 15 minutes. Very tasty and crumbly. 🍪
Turkey sausage. Very juicy and tasty. 2 cooking methods. 🍗