#4 Cold stone massage "boomerangs"
#3 Cold stone massage
#2 – back massage with hot stones
#1 Hot stone massage
Questions from the student – I Answer the novice master FAQ MASSAGE
Face care during the wrap – massage, peeling, face mask
Honey massage with oil – the perfect massage for the novice masseur
Honey massage 3 in 1: massage, peeling, wrap
Modeling anti-cellulite massage with a stick
Facial massage with sea shells!
Day 21: Two jerks of weight loss from 89 kg to ...(guess how many?)!! My weight loss results.
День 20: Мой рацион. Чем заменить вареные яйца? Завтра подводим итоги!
День 19: Болит спина, продолжаю заниматься. Мечты о море
Day 18. Jogging, chicken breast, my success and again about food
Day 17: eating disorders, fasting day on vegetables and unbearable suffering
Day 16: fasting day on bananas
Day 15: my weight, what I cooked for lunch, motivation, I eat meat
Day 14: spoil yourself, start drinking chrome, do a wrap and a massage of the face
Day 13. Oops, back pain and weight gain. How to strengthen back muscles? Run.
Day 12: salt and water balance, summer exercises with the mower, sit-UPS with buckets